Our services

Free 30 minute initial advice call

An initial consultation to discuss your current circumstances and to offer next steps advice. This will be followed up with a short email that summarises key points covered in the phone call and gives further details of services we can offer to support you moving forwards.

Not sure where to start?

Initial application for Education Healthcare Needs Assessment

Using a completed background information form, alongside any reports/evidence that you can provide, we will produce a detailed application letter that you can use to request an EHC Needs Assessment from your Local Authority.

The document that we produce will detail your child/young person’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) and the reasons why they may need special educational provision as part of an EHCP. It will explain, and make it clear to the LA, exactly how your child/young person meets these two legal criteria for an EHC Needs Assessment.

Processing of a maximum of 3 reports is included in fee. Additional reports extra (see additional services).

Refusal to Assess - Appeal application

We will complete the necessary SEND35A form to appeal to SENDIST for an LA decision to Refuse to Assess for an EHCP. We will use your initial letter requesting an EHC Needs Assessment, alongside any additional evidence that you can provide, to highlight the reasons why your child/young person does indeed meet the legal criteria for assessment.

Processing of a maximum of 3 reports (to highlight appropriate evidence) is included in fee. Additional reports extra (see additional services).

EHCP checking service

We will thoroughly check the EHCP that has been issued by your LA to ensure that it is legally compliant; that all necessary content from contributing reports is included; and that the content in Section F is suitably specified and quantified. The document will be annotated as required using ‘track changes’ and amendments added in tribunal compliant ‘working document’ format.

For a draft EHCP or Amendment Notice, this checked document can then be returned to the LA as part of the statutory process, whereby you offer your ‘parental representations’. We will provide a template email for you to send to the LA alongside the annotated EHCP, clearly stating their legal duties with regards to consultations with settings and issuing a final EHCP.

For preparation to appeal, this document can be used to provide the required evidence for your appeal and will act as an initial Working Document to share with the LA to show exactly the changes that you require them to make in order for your child’s/young person’s EHCP to be legally compliant and fully representative of their needs and requirements for provision.

Processing of a maximum of 3 reports is included in fee. Additional reports extra (see additional services).

This service can be used when you receive an initial draft plan following an EHCNA; after receiving an Amendment Notice following Annual Review; or at the start of the SEND tribunal process when appealing contents and provision (Sections B and F).

Refusal to Issue - Appeal application

We will complete the necessary SEND35 form to appeal to SENDIST an LA decision to Refuse to Issue an EHCP following an EHC Needs Assessment. We will use the reports and evidence gathered as part of the initial assessment process in order to evidence the reasons why an EHCP must be issued for your child/young person.

Processing of a maximum of 3 reports (to highlight appropriate evidence) is included in fee. Additional reports extra (see additional services).

Contents (B, F and I) - Appeal application

This service requires you to have first used our EHCP checking service.

We will complete the necessary SEND35 form that will appeal to SENDIST the contents (Sections B and F) and, if necessary, the setting (Section I) of your final EHCP.

We will use the evidence from our EHCP checking service to highlight all aspects of the current final EHCP that are not compliant with the law and to evidence any additional content that needs to be incorporated to ensure the EHCP accurately reflects the needs of your child/young person and the provision that they require.

We will then provide an initial Working Document to share with SENDIST and the LA to show exactly the changes that you require them to make in order for your child’s/young person’s EHCP to be legally compliant and fully representative of their needs and requirements for provision.

Additional services

For all services detailed below, we will charge for every 15 minute block as per the hourly rate and provide regular updates of all accrued costs.

£60 per hour
Working Document service

This service requires you to have first used our EHCP checking service to formulate an initial Working Document.

For appeals that are currently in progress, we will manage the Working Document process, including updating of the Working Document on an ongoing basis and managing Working Document related communications with the LA as and when they arise.

black and silver fountain pen
black and silver fountain pen
Basic appeal application

If much of the groundwork has already been completed, and you just require us to complete the necessary forms to SENDIST, we provide a reduced service for all types of appeal. This is charged per hour as requirements can vary significantly dependant on the level of initial preparation that has already taken place.

assorted books on wooden table
assorted books on wooden table
Additional correspondence

This will include any follow-up correspondence outside of any package that is being provided. This may be in the form of a phone call, video call or e-mail correspondence.

man holding smartphone standing in front of calm body of water
man holding smartphone standing in front of calm body of water
Additional processing of reports

For any reports that need to be processed in addition to that included within our standard offer, there is an additional charge per report. Charged at £60 per report of maximum 30 pages.

a laptop computer sitting on top of a white desk
a laptop computer sitting on top of a white desk
Attendance at meetings

If you would like our support at a meeting regarding your child/young person, this can be offered via video call (Teams/Zoom etc). Examples may include meetings with settings; the LA or SEND Mediation.

It may be necessary for us to complete additional preparation (such as reading of reports and other correspondence) prior to attending a meeting. This time, as well as any travel time, will be charged at the same rate as meeting attendance. Mileage will be charged at 45p per mile.

woman in teal t-shirt sitting beside woman in suit jacket
woman in teal t-shirt sitting beside woman in suit jacket